


Things that you like and are interested in are now easily available to individuals thanks to various recording media, but there were no such things in the 1960s. When a special effects work was broadcast, I couldn't see it unless I was in front of the TV at that time. A scrapbook that I made myself in such an era. Newspaper broadcasts, advertisements for movie releases, special features at the beginning of comic magazines, etc. It is a product of the era when people were enjoying themselves by collecting and pasting.



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写真の中にある記事で「円谷英二」写真集の存在を知り、出版社へ連絡すると「もう在庫はない」とのことでした。しかし「円谷プロになら少しあるかもしれない」と聞き世田谷の円谷プロへ向かいました。円谷プロでは親切に対応していただき写真集を手に入れることができた。そんな感激も冷めやらぬ中直ぐ側にある東宝撮影所の側を歩き回っているとあの巨大なコンクリート壁に空がリアルに描かれているのを見つける。もしやと思い小高い畑の上から見下ろすとなんとそれはあの有名な東宝大プールであった。今ならSN Sものだろうが中学生になったばかりの身には携帯はもちろんカメラもない。しかし記憶の中には忘れがたい光景としてしっかりと刻まれています。

I learned about the existence of the "Eiji Tsuburaya" photo book from an article in the photo, and when I contacted the publisher, I was told that "there is no more stock". However, I heard that "Tsuburaya Pro may have a little bit" and headed to Tsuburaya Pro in Setagaya. At Tsuburaya Productions, I was able to get a photo book thanks to their kind support.As I walked around Toho Studios, which was right next door, I found the sky realistically drawn on that huge concrete wall. I wondered if it was possible, and when I looked down from the top of the slightly elevated field, it was the famous Toho Big Pool. Now it would be SNS stuff, but since I just became a junior high school student, I don't have a cell phone or a camera. However, it is firmly engraved in my memory as an unforgettable sight.